We meticulously outline identified risks, applying a severity scoring methodology that provides a clear hierarchy of vulnerabilities.
Our reports are easy to read and accessible via PC, Tablet, or Smartphone in all formats, including PDF and MS Word.
At our core, we prioritize professional, swift communication through various platforms such as email, Discord, WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, or any other preferred channel.
We understand that effective communication is the backbone of successful collaboration with our clients.
With over a decade of hands-on expertise, we've excelled in multiple highly competitive public bug bounty programs, securing top whitehat rankings.
Our security portfolio is a testament to the capabilities of some of the best hackers on our team, showcasing their published achievements.
We uphold top-tier security practices in Cyber Security. Our achievements speak louder than words—discover them yourself
Our security analysis covers a wide spectrum of issues, including SQL injection, XSS attacks, authentication issues, cloud secret leaks and much more. We adhere to top security standards like PCI DSS, CWE Top 25, and OWASP Top 10 for robust protection.
We specialize in comprehensive audits and penetration testing services for both Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 environments.
Web3 Frontend Testing (DEFI, CEX)
Web3 Wallets Testing (Mobile, Web, Desktop, Extensions)
Network security (Servers, Workstations, Domains etc.)
Internal & External Web Apps
Mobile Apps (Web2, Web3)
Desktop Apps (Electron, Qt, Java etc.)
Cloud Security Testing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Vercel)
APIs & Web Services (REST, SOAP, GraphQL)
Open Source Security (Public CVEs)
Our audits cover a wide range of security aspects, including vulnerability assessments, risk analysis, compliance checks, and recommendation reports tailored to enhance your system's security posture.
Yes, we conduct rigorous penetration testing to simulate real-world cyber attacks, identifying vulnerabilities and potential entry points that malicious actors might exploit.
We cater to various platforms, including but not limited to websites(web2, web3), applications(desktop, mobile), networks and DEX, CEX crypto frontends.
No, at the moment, we don't provide smart contract auditing services. However, we continuously assess our service offerings to meet evolving industry needs.
Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the cyber security domain, possessing diverse skill sets and certifications.
René Kroka
Jose "HackerOnTwoWheels" Almeida
Yes, we strictly adhere to industry best practices and comply with relevant regulations to ensure the highest level of security for our clients.
Feel free to reach out to us through our website or contact our team directly. We're happy to discuss your specific security needs and tailor our services accordingly.
The duration depends on the complexity and scope of the project. We tailor our timelines to fit your specific requirements while ensuring a thorough evaluation.
Our pricing considers the project's scope, complexity, and duration.
We offer both standardized packages and customized pricing to suit individual needs.
We're open to negotiation and transparency, ensuring no hidden costs.
Our focus extends beyond immediate services; we provide ongoing support and value-driven solutions.
Discounts for long-term contracts or bundled services can be discussed. For specific details, contact us directly.